
Meet the Venture Bros. There is no wave too big these ducks wont ride.


Sometimes it's all about just feeling the light waves move under your bum, Tim Tuber is a regular at Duck Bill Pond and he just loves bubbles, even if he has to make his own!

Teen Tourists

Ducks living off their parents wealth, travel the world with style and a hint of smug.

Bob Bill

Bob bill is a middle age duck who is enjoying the life of retirement. Much like his pants, his vision is very much gone and he never knows where he left his reading glasses. Luckily the lovely hula ducks are always happy to help.

Derduck Zoolander

No relation to the famous duck super model, Derduck is the most famous drummer in the universe. His drum beats are so sick and fast that they ripped a hole into another galaxy, he then continued to play his sick beats for the aliens and continues to go on tour across the universe.
Some say every time you see a star twinkle it's Derduck finishing a drum solo.