Dil Dank

Dil is a fearless surfer and carries his board everywhere. One day he had gotten into a gnarly wreck and almost broke his bill, when Rad Rodney just so happened to be surfing that very same wave and helped him up and they became the best of friends. Dil never wants to miss a good wave and his life long dream is to find himself the dankest wave.

Rad Rodney 

Rodney was abandoned as an egg and hatched at sea. He learned the way of the waves from the local seagulls. During one of his surfs he heard a quack for help and brought Dil Dank to shore. When Rodney heard about Dil's journey for the dankest wave he decided to team up and join him on his adventure.

Fiona Feathers

One of the newest faces on Quawaii and taking the pond by storm. Fiona has already went on two pond tours and can be found on the posters in many duckling rooms.